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November 13, 2008


Alex Beamish

I know the reason I wasn't crazy about Governor Palin was that she didn't appear to be that knowledgable about the world and about current affairs. Choosing this woman appeared to be more of a tactical choice than one that would have worked well, had Senator McCain been elected President.

If Governor Palin is serious about running in 2012, she's got plenty of time to improve herself.

Karl Staib - Work Happy Now

I think we all have to believe that anything is possible. I know I wouldn't be trying to do what I want to do without blind faith. The thing is I have this feeling inside that I'm going to succeed, nothing can stop me. I cultivate that feeling and keep on trying various angles to help me reach my goals.

I'm not going to stop until my business is flying high.

Great article and good comment by Alex. I thought his words were balanced and honest.

Stella Commute

I know what you mean about "like me" -- I grew up very poor (no heat in our house, no dental or health care, often no car) in a very small town (Wasilla would have looked like a big city to me growing up). But to say that Sarah Palin is from the wrong side of the tracks because she grew up in a small town is not really true: both her parents were employed. Her father was a school teacher and thus had health insurance, a secure job with if not lavish, certainly above minimum wage pay. Her parents had enough money to send her to several schools -- that none of them was an "elite" school was most likely a matter of choice (or reality based on SAT scores). Poor people don't fly their daughter to Hawaii to attend university, and then fly her back when she doesn't like it. Poor people send their children to community college and hope that they'll be able to go to the local state college when they figure out what they want to do.

Nothing in Sarah Palin's background sounds like the "wrong side of the tracks" to me. In fact, many people educated at state institutions like the University of Idaho have gone on to great careers and prominence -- including the VP Elect, Joe Biden, a University of Delaware alumnus.

The problem with Sarah Palin is that she hasn't yet taken advantage of opportunities to educate herself. She seems largely content to rely on what she believes to be true, rather than having the discipline to seek out varied sources and form an opinion based on fact.

Her responses to direct questions about issues that should certainly be within the purview of the Governor of a large state are wanting. You can argue that working two jobs to support a family might keep you from exploring the world more fully, but when your job is governor of a state, you might should be familiar with Supreme Court cases that directly affect the well being of that state -- like one that was handed down in June 2008 that drastically reduced money coming to the state as a result of the Valdez spill.

I'm sorry, but being able to speak clearly, remember facts that you learned more than five weeks ago, and think on your feet are fundamental job requirements for Vice President. Sarah Palin did not demonstrate these basic skills. If you interviewed a job candidate who did such a poor job tying her previous experience to the specific requirements of the new job, you'd show her the door, no matter how much of a rapport you felt.

erotik shop

I think we all have to believe that anything is possible. I know I wouldn't be trying to do what I want to do without blind faith. The thing is I have this feeling inside that I'm going to succeed, nothing can stop me. I cultivate that feeling and keep on trying various angles to help me reach my goals

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