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November 26, 2008



I can't imagine a more humiliating experience than being escorted out like a criminal after being laid off. Having a transition period after layoff announcements is a great idea.


I agree -- transparency (or as much of it as is possible) with one's employees is the best thing. No one likes horrible surprises, and moreover employees themselves may be the best resource of all in solving a company's business difficulties -- provided they understand what those difficulties are.

Rachel - I Hate HR

The problem with the transition period is that there is always some ahole that does something stupid on their way out. I've seen it with my own eyes.

----------Career Encourager Says....
Rachel -

You make a good point. The few emotionally immature folks in the crowd often ruin it for the majority of folks who are trying to work hard and do the right thing. Sadly, too many HR folks get caught up in creating systems around the few and end up punishing the majority.

When I have implemented transition time as part of a layoff event, I have always worked with the managers to create transition plans that the employees had to sign. In essence, they said that the employee recognized that they were being laid off and that they were offered a transition time, and in exchange for supporting the company and following policy etc. they would remain on payroll for the next 3 weeks (or however long) to transition their work to others and during that time they could also come and go as needed to take care of personal business (i.e., their job search). The transition plan also stated that if the individual violated any terms of the plan it was grounds for immeidate removal from the premises and revocation of any severance that had been offered above and beyond the transition plan. Handled carefully in conversations up front, this approach usually works really well.

Thoughts from others?


I agree that exeucutives should allow unofficial chatter on impending layoffs - this will make everybody to brace for it. All the layoffs should happen in a day or so, so that everybody know where they stand. Having a transition period would be ideal. In the company I worked for, HR made it up to the employee to decide on the final day in the office (transition period was the same for all affected employees).

erotik shop

I agree -- transparency (or as much of it as is possible) with one's employees is the best thing. No one likes horrible surprises, and moreover employees themselves may be the best resource of all in solving a company's business difficulties -- provided they understand what those difficulties are


Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyway, just wanted to say great blog!

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