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October 31, 2008



cheers. This can be used as a ready reckoner anytime.

I also follow a blog on Importance of Human Resources:



I agree completely. Many of the very important, necessary jobs are sometimes tedious and mundane. You are paid to offset the unpleasant aspects of a job. Very few people can make a living off of their passions. Instead, we should look for jobs that fit our personalities, skills, and values.

Prasad Kurian

I feel that 'passion’ is closely related to more fundamental things like meaning and purpose. Yes, if one is passionate about something, one will be willing to stretch/extend one self (‘suffer’) for it. But it is ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’ that take ‘suffering’ into the realm of ‘passion’. After all, there is a lot of meaningless (neurotic) suffering in the world, in addition to meaningful (passionate) suffering.

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I agree completely. Many of the very important, necessary jobs are sometimes tedious and mundane. You are paid to offset the unpleasant aspects of a job. Very few people can make a living off of their passions. Instead, we should look for jobs that fit our personalities, skills, and values

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I don't know if I am just too delicate about it, but I can't accept a job that I don't feel comfortable with. It's not nice and very stressful. So you guys better look for something that makes you feel good.

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