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May 07, 2008


Ask a Manager

Why, thank you! It's so nice when the people you read and recommend turn out to read you back!

Jackie Cameron

Thank you Peggy. I am honoured to be in the same company as AAM and Evil - and you too of course.

I am an eternal optimist. I do see the downturn as a time for people to reflect. Sometimes they have skills they have not previously valued - or even recognised! Others realise that an enforced change can be liberating - and set them off on new and exciting journeys. This of course does not take away from the fact that the possibility of losing your income is very very scary but I know and have worked with many people who have weathered that storm and come out of the other side much happier and fulfilled.

Great advice to your readers though - focus on developing your interview skills as the first very important step!

Kaplan Mobray, Author 10Ks of Personal Branding

Thanks for writing this post. It is certainly a topic of much concern these days. I agree that times of economic uncertainty definitely bring more attention to the need to have solid interviewing skills and a track record for producing results to weather the storm. I would add that in an economic downturn the most important asset is one's personal brand. People lose their jobs for a variety of reasons much of which have to do with expense and the question of value. However when you look at who gets to stay or the people who realize greater opportunities as a result of transition, they are the people who developed longstanding relationships and built a reputation as being a coveted talent asset. Your personal brand, or in other words, the capabilities that you are known for delivering help you sustain your value even in an economic downturn because you would have built your value long before your value came into question. So in addition to brushing up on interviewing skills I would also focus and use this time to develop relationships, communicate your value to those who need to know, and build a track record for helping others.

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