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February 13, 2008


HR Wench

Three cheers for this post! Isn't it amazing how people tell you EXACTLY what you need to know about them by trying to "convince" you they are the opposite of what they supposedly loathe? It's uncanny.
For "Hank" and "Greg" - sounds like someone needs to sit them both down and ask "what constant do you see in each of these situations you get yourself into?"

The Career Encourager

Thanks for the comment. You are dead-on with your suggestion that if these folks were ever open to coaching, the best career development advice to give them would be to take a look at the patterns over their careers and look for the themes. In my first couple of jobs I had "bad bosses." It took me a bit to get going in my career, but I finally realized that I was the constant in every situation. Once I accepted that, things starting moving much more positively for me!

Jackie Cameron

Great post Peggy. Indeed I have always thought that if someone feels the need to tell you that they are honest - then they are not. I thought also that I was just being awkward - but I know I am not now that you have shared!
I also distrust people who say " to be perfectly honest" in conversation.
The idea of identifying the "constant" is a good one too!

Rachel - The Employment File

I think this goes for most people. I recently sat through the biggest joke set of interviews ever and listened to the hiring manager talk about how she "doesn't play games" (the whole process was a calculated game).

The Career Encourager

Rachel -
Thanks for commenting. You make a great point - we cannot assume that because we are in the position of "power" as the ones interviewing and assessing candidates that we are above being scrutinized for how we live out our own values!

The Career Encourager

Rachel -
Thanks for commenting. You make a great point - we cannot assume that because we are in the position of "power" as the ones interviewing and assessing candidates that we are above being scrutinized for how we live out our own values!

Job Search Engines

I don't know, I feel comfortable telling people that I'm honest and I really am. However I can't see why people would say that in an interview


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