Bob is at it again...
- Pick fights big enough that they're worth going for, and small enough to win.
When used: We were discussing a pesky sub-contractor who was trying to take over one of my clients.
Why he said it: I was contemplating calling the sub and telling him to back off. Bob thought this step was unnecessary - the client had no intention of switching vendors, and my confronting the sub likely wouldn't cause him to change his nefarious ways.
Lesson learned: Focus on the real challenges that will move your career forward (in my case, developing proprietary content to secure more large clients). Ignore the minor annoyances that take up time and don't impact business results.
Very wise. By abusing his network so transparently, this sub is already self-destructing anyway. And how wonderful, on your end, to leverage this irritation into something inspirational instead.
Posted by: almostgotit | August 14, 2007 at 11:48 PM