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July 21, 2007


Ann Bares


It is a deep, but also an encouraging post. I think everyone experiences forms of this crisis of spirit from time to time, though they may attribute it to something else. The experience, wisdom and resources you have shared here are great. Thanks!

Sio-Ching Shia

I agree completely that many spiritual people seem to think that the reality of work or physicality have nothing to do with spirituality.

Actually, our WHOLE spirituality has to do with HOW we respond to everything in our physical life. The way in which you approach anything mundane, or worldly, or physical, can be an offering to the spiritual world.

In this way, my daily work hours of number-crunching is my offering to my family to feed and clothe them, and my help to the businesses that are my clients, some who say, "You are worth every penny..." If I help my clients turn a profit, they have more discretionary money to sponsor disadvantaged children, to fund-raise for disabled victims, etc. etc.

It all adds up

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