Earlier today I posted about politics at work. Turns out David Maister was thinking about the same thing and posted his thoughts here. He concludes with the question:
"CAN you be a non-participant? I’d readily confess that some of my worst career events came from not being very attuned to (or skilled) at office politics. (I wish I picked up on unsaid things faster!) Tell me, please, is it it really this bad out there? Is office politics a key part of everyone’s life (not just the advisor’s)? If so, where do you go to get better at it? Is there a reading list?"
I responded to his posting by leaving a comment on his blog (bloggers LOVE when people leave comments!) Here is part of what I said:
"Too many people think politics is all about devious means, and conspiracies - but in reality, a big part of politics is just due process for getting things done. In my experience the people who hate politics the most are the people who like to rush things, aren't interesting in paying attention to details and gathering as much good information and as many perspectives as possible before making decisions.
Of course there are people who do bad evil things to others in the corporate world. But that's not politics - that's just bad, evil people doing what bad, evil people do, and we've just got to trust that they will one day reap what they sow."
What do you think?